Cool Idea and gameplay, but thecontrols ruined it.
So Yotam, I see that you have decided to make a game. Let me be the first to say the same thing you said when you clicked on the Heal upgrade: YAY!
The idea of shooting Cats and rocks on other cats was quite original though I think everyone who likes cat real damn bad will say it's an animal abuse but I liked it anyways. I think you should make more upgrades and powerups, though.
Nice art Yotam, this is quite awesome but your voice acting everytime you buy something or use some kind of ingame help is annoying.
But heck, why? Why are the controls so weird and... Bleeeh? It takes a lot of time to get used to. Yes I know you can click a bit further insted of dragging but still it is very hard to aim correctly.
* Superb Gameplay
* Awesome Art
* Great Music
* Nice Idea
* No Glitches
* Hard-to-get-used-to Controls
* Gets hard too quick
* Not a lot of upgrades